Free Grace Baptist Church, Twickenham
Free Grace Baptist Church, Twickenham





To provide a place for the worship of God, through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; and also to provide a place for fellowship of the saints and an opportunity for the proclamation of the Gospel of the Grace of God.




We believe in:-


  1. The Verbal Inspiration and Absolute Authority of all Holy Scripture as originally given. The Bible does not merely CONTAIN the Word of God, but IS the Word of God. The Bible is our only rule for all matters of faith and conduct.


  1. The Triune Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


  1. The Deity, Virgin Birth, Impeccable Humanity, Substitutionary Death, Bodily Resurrection, Glorious Ascension, High Priestly Intercession and Triumphant, Visible Return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


  1. The Deity, and Personality of God the Holy Ghost and the absolute necessity of His work in Regeneration, Sanctification and Glorification, and His Gracious Infilling of the indwelt believer to live and witness for Christ.


  1. Those doctrines usually termed ‘the Doctrines of Grace’:-


  1. The Total Depravity of Man.


  1. Sovereignty of God in Election.


  1. Particular Redemption.


  1. Effectual Calling.


  1. Final Preservation of the Saints.


  1. Justification by Faith alone.


  1. The Personal and Bodily Return of the Lord Jesus Christ to receive His redeemed people unto Himself and to judge the world in righteousness.


  1. The Conscious Eternal Torment of the Lost in Perdition, and the Everlasting Bliss of the Saved in Heaven.


  1. Those who profess to be followers of the Redeemer and under obligations to observe all the perceptive parts of His will. Therefore the following are binding obligations upon the subjects of Christ’s Kingdom: baptism by immersion in water after a confession of faith: the celebration of the Lord’s Supper as an ordinance to bring to remembrance, not as a sacrifice or sacrament; the public assembling in one place and at one time, for praise, prayer, the reading of His Word, and hearing His Gospel.

Contact details

Free Grace Baptist Church, Twickenham
Powdermill Lane

Twickenham, TW2 6EJ



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© Free Grace Baptist Church, Twickenham